If you’re looking for a Kenworth for sale, BC commercial truck dealerships on Truck Trader BC have what you need.
Below you will find pictures and information on a Featured Kenworth T800 for Sale in BC, as well as general information about the Kenworth T800 and some history about this iconic Kenworth truck.
freight coast to coast, as it is with deliveries across town or hauling gravel. The bottom-line advantages of a single base chassis that can do almost anything you ask of it, is why the Kenworth T800 stands tall and strong. The Kenworth T800 is built to take the rigors of the most extreme trucking conditions and is proven to be very difficult to top. Along with the driver-side benefits of excellent maneuverability, operating efficiency and comfort … and you can see why the Kenworth T800 is the solution for so many truckers in BC.
The Kenworth T800 is a high value, real world solution.
Are KW T800 any good for OTR
I have drove W900, T600, T2000 but how are the T800’s. I look at them and think it should be in the heavy haul, oil field or in construction. How is…
Kenworth T800 review
Small review of the KW I did.
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Kenworth T800 Advantages – Coopersburg & Liberty Kenworth
With the recent promotion of the highly anticipated Kenworth W990, and the continued demand for W900s, it’s easy to overlook some of the other options. In order to help with your truck-purchase decision-making process, we thought we’d take a moment to shine some new light on one of our favorite top-sellers: the T800.